Psalms 2: The Present God
You forget nothing,
and non of my tears go in vain,
for You hear all my cries and all the groaning of my heart,
nothing escapes You,
nothing I hide is really hidden from You,
and even when I stay silent
my heart is always crying out to You,
where can I stay that is far away from You?
what can I say that is too hard for You to hear?
for this truth I’ve known from the journey of my life,
“even at times I cannot hear You, You always hear me when I cry”
You are ever present in my life,
You are closer to me than my own skin can ever be,
so why do I feel that sometimes we are far apart?
remind me of how close You really are to my heart,
for even though I sin and get so easily entangled,
Your Right Hand is always there to pick me up from the pit I fall in,
Your love for me is everlasting,
and Your grace is all I need to be holy as You want me to be,
remind my heart of how gracious You are to me,
and that Your Spirit prays for me with words that I cannot pray by myself,
remind my heart that it was You who chose me from the start,
and that You made me Your son even though I tend to forget that sometimes.